Monday, December 21, 2020

Topological phases in biological systems

Physicists have shown that topological phases could exist in biology, and in so doing they have identified a link between solid-state physics and biophysics.

Striking gold: Catalysis research at the nanoscale

By examining tiny particles of gold with powerful X-ray beams, scientists hope they can learn how to cut down on harmful carbon monoxide emissions from motor vehicles.

Researchers invent method to 'sketch' quantum devices with focused electrons

Technique is 10,000 faster than previous methods, and can create active nanostructured gates directly below two-dimensional materials such as graphene.

New nanomaterial a key step toward hydrogen as a stable and clean fuel source

Researchers have designed and synthesized an effective material for speeding up one of the limiting steps in extracting hydrogen from alcohols. The material, a catalyst, is made from tiny clusters of nickel metal anchored on a 2D substrate.

Mapping out a transient atom

Scientists have published the results of an experiment that could provide a blueprint for the analysis of transitions states in atoms and molecules. This would open up new opportunities to gain insights into important processes such as photocatalysis, elementary steps in photosynthesis and radiation damage.

Skyrmions - the basis for a completely new computer architecture?

A team of researchers has succeeded for the first time in producing a tunable multilayer system in which two different types of skyrmions - the future bits for '0' and '1' - can exist at room temperature.

Goldilocks and the three quantum dots: This one's just right for peak solar panel performance

Maximising the efficiency of renewable energy technology is dependent on creating nanoparticles with ideal dimensions and density, new simulations have shown. Scientists have developed a process for calculating the perfect size and density of quantum dots needed to achieve record efficiency in solar panels.