Monday, September 4, 2017

Graphen woven fabrics for sensing application

Researchers report a flexible temperature and humidity sensor from graphene woven fabrics prepared by chemical vapor deposition.

Self-assembling solid crystals a path to safer, solid batteries

Solid crystals that self-assemble to form channels for an electric current could make safer batteries.

Nanotechnology makes the smallest Archimedean screw

Researchers have reported a new material phenomenon, occurring in faceted double-walled nanotubes, where minute mechanical manipulations induce pronounced global superstructure reconfiguration.

Next-generation ultra-lightweight nanostructures coud benefit from a new study

Carbon nanotubes lower the transformation temperature of glassy carbon, possibly aiding manufacturers.

Engineered nanofilter accelerates hydrogen sensor

Researchers describe an efficient architecture for H2 sensors in which a nanofilter is interposed between the sensing element - an array of palladium nanowires - and the gaseous ambient.