Wednesday, June 8, 2016

World-first pinpointing of atoms at work for quantum computers

Scientists can now identify the exact location of a single atom in a silicon crystal, a discovery that is key for greater accuracy in tomorrow's silicon based quantum computers.

A nanomaterial-based, extremely efficient small-size energy storage

The high energy and power density of the miniaturized energy storage relies on a new hybrid nanomaterial.

New reports: There is little to fear from nanoparticles in food

Keeping an eye on our food is the bi-national government agency Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ), which has just released two long-awaited reports on the safety of nanoparticles in food, one on additives and one on packaging.

Pairing nanodiamonds with other nanomaterials could enable huge advances in nanotechnology

A new, quick and inexpensive method for constructing diamond-based hybrid nanomaterials could soon launch the field forward.

Nanostructures increase the efficiency of electricity-producing photovoltaic cells

Researchers managed to increase light absorption in silicon by means of nanostructures etched onto photovoltaic cells. This increases the efficiency obtained in these electronic devices which are made of this element and which transform solar energy into electricity.