Thursday, February 25, 2016

Solar cells as light as a soap bubble

Imagine solar cells so thin, flexible, and lightweight that they could be placed on almost any material or surface, including your hat, shirt, or smartphone, or even on a sheet of paper or a helium balloon.

Quantum physicists turn to the dark state

A team of quantum physicists managed to tame a so-called 'dark state', created in a superconducting qubit.

Microrobots learn from ciliates

A swimming microrobot formed from liquid-crystal elastomers is driven by a light-induced peristaltic motion.

New catalyst makes hydrogen peroxide accessible to developing world

Scientists have developed a method of producing hydrogen peroxide on demand through a simple, one-step process. The method enables dilute H2O2 to be made directly from hydrogen and oxygen in small quantities on-site.

Graphene slides smoothly across gold

Researchers have been studying the lubricity of graphene on the nanometer scale. Since it produces almost no friction at all, it could drastically reduce energy loss in machines when used as a coating.

New trigger for self-powered mechanical movement

A new way to use the chemical reactions of certain enzymes to trigger self-powered mechanical movement has been developed by a team of researchers.