Wednesday, November 18, 2015

3D nanostructure of a bone made visible

Traditional computer tomography can only be used to determine the density but not the local orientation of the underlying nanostructure. Researchers have now overcome this limitation thanks to an innovative computer-based algorithm.

New method developed to predict response to nanotherapeutics

Taking a precision medicine approach to nanomedicine, researchers use MR imaging with magnetic nanoparticles to predict which tumors may be more responsive to therapeutic nanoparticles.

Quantum spin could create Uunstoppable, one-dimensional electron waves

New theory points the way forward to transform atom-thin materials into powerful conductors.

How best to stabilise the output of quantum dot LEDs

Scientists demonstrate that modulating bias current of the QDLED could lead to countering the noise. This, in turn, leads to stabilising such light sources, making them better suited for optical telecommunications.

Electron partitioning process in graphene observed, a world first

Researchers precisely examined current-fluctuation in the graphene p-n junction in the Quantum Hall regime and succeeded in observing electron partitioning taking place on the region along the p-n junction as current fluctuation.

Designing three-dimensional nanostructures in a single step

Scientists have devised a novel approach to 3D nanofabrication that brings closer the day when electronic and photonic devices become truly three-dimensional.

Advances in dental materials through nanotechnology

A compendium of the latest nanomaterials for use in fillers, mouthwashes, medicines and other treatments to improve oral and dental health.

Chemists create adaptable metallic-cage gels

New materials could be tuned for applications including drug delivery and water filtration.

Graphene's stabilizling influence on energy storage devices

Graphene and metal nitrides improve the performance and stability of energy storage devices.

Drug delivery - in control with hydrogels

Microstructured hydrogels can negate the problem of premature release when used as drug delivery systems.