Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Taking the guesswork out of electrospinning

Researchers have built a database that correlates electrospinning machine parameters with nanofiber properties.

Researchers break quantum limit in precision of force and position measurements

Researchers have pushed the precision of force and position measurements into a new regime. Their experiment is the first to surpass the so-called 'Standard Quantum Limit', or SQL, which arises in the most common (and successful) optical techniques for ultra-precise position measurements.

Chemists build a better cancer-killing drill

An international team of scientists is getting closer to perfecting molecule-sized motors that drill through the surface of cancer cells, killing them in an instant.

Precision nanomedicine: towards skin-based delivery vaccination

Epidermal immune cells pick up liposomes covered with a sugar-like molecule and pave the way towards transdermal vaccinations.

Researchers discover how a nanocatalyst works at the atomic level

Scientists have discovered how copper particles at the nanometer scale operate in modifying a carbon?oxygen bond when ketone molecules turn into alcohol molecules.

Microscope-on-a-chip focuses on super-resolution viewing

A new project is developing a super-resolution microscope small enough to fit on to a computer chip that can be used to see changes in living cells in real time.