Friday, October 6, 2017

A dash of gold improves microlasers

The precious metal provides a nano solution for improving disease detection, defense and cybersecurity applications.

What can be discovered at the junction of physics and chemistry?

Scientists have discovered a new type of rare molecules whose properties can be controlled by changing the induction of an external magnetic field. These are paramagnetic molecules from the class porphyrins.

Researchers observe exotic quantum particle in bilayer graphene

Physicists prove a 30-year-old theory - the even-denominator fractional quantum Hall state - and establish bilayer graphene as a promising platform that could lead to quantum computation.

New microcapsules to enhance the efficiency of genome-editing

Scientists have conducted a study in the course of which it was found out that polymer and hybrid silica-coated microcapsules are more efficient in genome-editing when applying CRISPR-Cas9 system.

New ultralight silver nanowire aerogel is boon for energy and electronics industries

Researchers have created a new ultralight silver nanowire aerogel that could lead to advances in fuel cells, energy storage, medical devices and electronics.

Without contradicting the laws of physics, energy is made to flow, on a quantum scale, 'against the current'

New research confirms that merely observing a flow of energy or particles can change its direction.

Electron behaviour under extreme conditions described for the first time

Researchers have modelled the actions of electrons under extreme temperatures and densities, such as those found within planets and stars.

Smart bandage could promote better, faster healing (w/video)

Smartphone-controlled design precisely delivers medication.

Segregation-induced ordered superstructures at general grain boundaries in a Ni-Bi alloy

The discovery of ordered, segregation-induced superstructures at general grain boundaries challenges a traditional view in physical metallurgy.