Wednesday, September 14, 2016

High-capacity nanoparticle

Particles that carry three or more drugs hold potential for targeted cancer therapy.

Complex materials can self-organize into circuits, may form basis for multifunction chips

Researchers have uncovered remarkable behavior that could advance microprocessors beyond today?s silicon-based chips.

Physicists develop new touchscreen technology

Physicists are at an advanced stage of developing alternative touchscreen technology to overcome the shortfall in the traditional display, phone and tablet material that relies on electrodes made from indium tin oxide (ITO).

Nanoscience researchers report new insights about properties of matter at the nanoscale

Chemists have determined that a fluid that behaves similarly to water in our day-to-day lives becomes as heavy as honey when trapped in a nanocage of a porous solid, offering new insights into how matter behaves in the nanoscale world.

Physicists observe spontaneous mechanical buckling in freestanding graphene

An international team of physicists has observed spontaneous mechanical buckling in freestanding graphene using scanning tunneling microscopy, indicating it has potential to be a new electronic power source.

New sensor technology could speed up blood test analysis

Researchers have developed a new sensor that is capable of detecting multiple proteins and enzymes in a small volume of blood, which could significantly speed up diagnostic healthcare processes.

Bundeskabinett beschliesst Aktionsplan Nanotechnologie 2020

Die vielfaeltigen Aktivitaeten zur Nanotechnologie werden ressortuebergreifend gebuendelt und auf die zentralen gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen wie Klimawandel, Energiewende, Digitalisierung, Gesundheit, Mobilitaet und Industrie 4.0 ausgerichtet.

Similar nanomaterials behave differently. Why?

A study created computer models of nanotubes and studied their characteristics in detail and observed differences related to the material's chirality.