Monday, August 26, 2019

Graphene shield shows promise in blocking mosquito bites

Project shows graphene could provide alternative to chemicals in insect repellant and protective clothing.

Excited atoms rush independently to new positions

How atoms react to a sudden burst of light shows scientists how the larger material might act in sensors, data storage devices, and more. Knowing the disordered path of atoms as they shift into a new order lets scientists develop control schemes for the vibrational motion of atoms.

Sticker makes nanoscale light manipulation easier to manufacture

Researchers integrated light manipulation devices called 3D plasmonic nanoarrays onto peelable films that can stick to any surface. They tested the sticker-nanoarray?s capabilities on the lenses of sensors, which make up conventional imaging systems.

A 2 nm sized nanomachine able to spin and transfer its rotational energy

Researchers have developed a new nanosized propeller which can act as gears. This propeller, when bound to a gold surface, can be activated through thermal, electrical or mechanical energy to spin unidirectionally either clockwise or counterclockwise. Its compatibility with solid state surfaces planar technology suggests this propeller can be used to build more efficient devices for electronics or mechanics applications.

Speeding up the hydrogen production by the magic topological surface states

Topology may be the key to unlocking the barrier in the search for ideal catalysts for hydrogen production.

Much needed analysis reveals insights into high quality fabrication of nanocomposites

Scientists provide much needed analysis and review of the emerging research on particle reinforced metal matrix nanocomposites with selective laser melting, charting out possibilities for engineering applications.