Monday, July 4, 2016

Nanoformulations allow design of programmable RNA vaccines

Tests in mice show the vaccines work against Ebola, influenza, and a common parasite.

Discovery could dramatically boost efficiency of perovskite solar cells

Nanoscale images yield surprise that could push efficiency to 31 percent.

Seeing RNA at the nanoscale (w/video)

Microscopy technique allows scientists to pinpoint RNA molecules in the brain.

Newly discovered catalysts performs highly selective conversion of CO2 into ethylene

The results open up new possibilities for designing catalysts on the nanoscale with specific activity and selectivity.

Selbstorganisierende Nano-Tinten bilden durch Stempeldruck leitfähige und transparente Gitter

Forscher haben eine neue selbstorganisierende Nano-Tinte mit einem Stempeldruckverfahren kombiniert. Damit lassen sich druckbare Materialien herstellen, die transparent sind und deren Leitfaehigkeit auch bei Verformung hoch bleibt.

Electronic nose smells pesticides and nerve gas

Detecting pesticides and nerve gas in very low concentrations. An international team of researchers has made it possible.