Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Graphene smart membranes can control water

Researchers have achieved a long-sought-after objective of electrically controlling water flow through membranes.

Ultracold atoms and ultrafast lasers: Scientists combine experimental expertise

Scientists have united the two research fields and succeeded in observing the emergence of ions in ultracold atoms.

Wall of sound

Scientists have been using sound to levitate small objects for 30 years, but researchers have improved upon this container-free approach. They have found a way to enable experiments that use less material, decreasing costs and opening the door to new research.

Researchers couple artificial atom to acoustic resonator

This allows the familiar effects of quantum optics to be studied on acoustic waves and enables an alternative approach to quantum computer design, which is based on acoustics and could make quantum computers more stable and compact.

Bubbles and whispers - glass bubbles boost nanoparticle detection

New technology is literally shedding light on some of the smallest particles to detect their presence - and it's made from tiny glass bubbles.

Treating nail fungus with nanotechnology

Scientists studied the potential use of nitric oxide-releasing nanoparticles to improve onychomycosis treatment.

On the path to new high-performance transistors

X-rays aid better understanding of electron mobility in a modern transistor.

The 'shine' in gold nanoparticles has a new use - finding defects in 3D printing

Researchers have developed a technique for gold to actually 'shine' inside 3D printed parts to highlight any problems.

Team demonstrates novel synaptic architecture for brain inspired computing

Researchers have demonstrated a novel synaptic architecture that could lead to a new class of information processing systems inspired by the brain.

Why nanowires lose their superpowers

Theoretical prediction about superconductivity confirmed in a lab.