Thursday, October 1, 2020

Bridging the gap between the magnetic and electronic properties of topological insulators

Scientists shed new light on the relationship between the magnetic properties of topological insulators and their electronic band structure. Their experimental results provide new insights into recent debates regarding the evolution of the band structure with temperature in these materials, which exhibit unusual quantum phenomena and are envisioned to be crucial in next-generation electronics, spintronics, and quantum computers.

New focus on the synergy effect of nanoparticles

Nanoparticles are valuable and useful in many products, but according to a new study, they can also damage our cells. Researchers are concerned about the effect of lifelong exposure to the human organism.

Chemical innovation stabilizes best-performing perovskite formulation

Researchers have successfully overcome a limiting problem with stabilizing the best-performing formulation of metal-halide perovskite films, a key player in a range of applications, including solar cells.

Tunable free-electron X-ray radiation from van der Waals materials

Researchers have developed accurate radiation sources that are expected to lead to breakthroughs in medical imaging and other areas.

Carbon-carbon covalent bonds far more flexible than presumed

Researchers have successfully demonstrated that carbon-carbon (C-C) covalent bonds expand and contract flexibly in response to light and heat. This unexpected flexibility of C-C bonds could confer new properties to organic compounds.