Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tumor micro-environment is a rough neighborhood for nanoparticle cancer drugs

Researchers look at area around tumors to help personalize treatment for triple-negative breast cancer.

Nanopore device allows for manipulation of differentiating stem cells

The device makes it possible for gentle electroporation of adherent cells.

Engineers develop graphene-based biosensor that works in three ways at once

Engineers have now devised a new kind of graphene-based biosensor that works in three ways at once. Because proteins trigger three different types of signals, the sensor can triangulate this information to produce more sensitive and accurate results.

Photonic crystal nanolaser biosensor simplifies DNA detection

New device offers a simpler and potentially less expensive way to detect DNA and other biomolecules through changes in surface charge density or solution pH.

Flexible nanogenerators for energy harvesting applications

New research helps pave the way toward highly energy-efficient zinc oxide-based micro energy harvesting devices with applications in portable communications, healthcare and environmental monitoring, and more.

Project to transform food waste into graphene and renewable hydrogen

The Centre for Process Innovation is leading a European collaborative project that aims to transform food waste into a sustainable source of significant economic added value, namely graphene and renewable hydrogen.

Physicists create superatom

Under appropriate conditions, a cloud of several hundred atoms can behave like a single atom, virtually developing super-power. Upon excitation with an ultraviolet laser into highly excited states, the atoms start to interact with each other.

Novel multiferroic materials and devices integrated with silicon chips

A research team has made two advances in multiferroic materials, including the ability to integrate them on a silicon chip, which will allow the development of new electronic memory devices. The researchers have already created prototypes of the devices and are in the process of testing them.

Biomedicine: Worth its weight in nanogold

In order to harness nanogold's potential, researchers have to make sense of its structures and behaviours, which are in many ways completely different from those of typical chunks of gold.

'NanoVelcro' and temperature control used to extract tumor cells from blood

An international group of scientists has developed a new method for effectively extracting and analyzing cancer cells circulating in patients' blood.