Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Imaging technique shows molecular machinery at work

Scientists have developed new imaging methods that allows them to track the individual protein molecules on the surface of cells. The results offer unprecedented insight into how cells sense and respond to their environments.

Scientists discover a 2D magnet

Researchers have for the first time discovered magnetism in the 2-D world of monolayers, or materials that are formed by a single atomic layer. The findings demonstrate that magnetic properties can exist even in the 2-D realm - opening a world of potential applications.

Researchers demonstrate spin effects in solution-based nanocrystals

Wet-chemically produced nanocrystals are becoming more and more powerful. Now a research group has succeeded in substantiating electronic spin effects in such nanoplatelets.

Imaging quasiparticles that could lead to faster circuits, higher bandwidths

A research team has made the first images of half-light, half-matter quasiparticles called exciton-polaritons. The discovery could be an early step to developing nanophotonic circuits that are up to 1 million times faster than current electrical circuits.

New fabric nanocoating could thwart chemical weapons

Scientists have developed a way to adhere a lightweight coating onto fabrics that is capable of neutralizing a subclass of chemical weapons - those that are delivered through the skin.

Novel suite of nanowires opens up new horizons in nanoelectronics

One of the main novelties in this new suite of nanowires lies in their high efficiency, which constitutes a step forward in miniaturizing electronic circuits.

How to reduce shockwaves in quantum beam experiments

While skimmers have been a necessary component in atomic and molecular-beam experiments for decades, they were also known to impose a fundamental limit on the number of particles one could pack into the beam. Scientists have now revealed a simple way to overcome this limit.

X-ray study reveals way to control molecular vibrations that transmit heat

Findings open new pathway for 'tuning' materials to ease or insulate against the flow of heat, sound, and other forms of energy.

Building OLEDs from the ground up for better electronics

Researchers introduce a new way to efficiently create patterns of OLEDs.

Dual-targeting nanoparticles lower cancer's defenses and attack tumors

Sientists report the development of the first dual-cell targeting immunotherapy nanoparticle that slows tumor growth in mice with different cancers.

A reversible method for altering the electronic properties of a nanomaterial

A team of physicists has demonstrated a reversible method for altering the electronic properties of a nanoscopic material, pointing the way toward merging several hallmark functions of modern electronics into a single component.

'Immunoswitch' particles may be key to more-effective cancer immunotherapy

Scientists have created a nanoparticle that carries two different antibodies capable of simultaneously switching off cancer cells? defensive properties while switching on a robust anticancer immune response in mice.

Oyster shells inspire new method to make superstrong, flexible polymers

New engineering technique could lead to stronger composite materials used in commercial products, opening the way for their use in structural applications.

Carbon nanotube electronic skins for motion detection

Researchers have developed piezoresistive electronic skins based on a composite of polymer and arrays of aligned few-walled carbon nanotubes that, enabled by the aligned carbon nanotubes, exhibited multiple advantages, such as simple device structure, high precision, fast response, excellent stability, and low power consumption.

How a researcher disassembles molecules

Scientists aim to develop new areas for black phosphorus' application, for instance in the fields of electrical energy storage and solar cells. It could make batteries last longer or enable solar cells to produce more electrical energy.

Device designed to exploit scattering of light by mechanical vibrations

Silicon photonic device would enable optical and mechanical waves vibrating at tens of gigahertz.