Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Defeating cyberattacks on 3-D printers

Researchers develop three methods to defend against sneaky attacks.

Nanotechnology gives green energy a green color

Research have created green solar panels using soft imprint lithography to print an array of nanocylinders that scatter green light.

Reactions in nanocontainers - towards the world's smallest coaxial cable

This miniscule wire - comprising a carbon nanotube located inside a boron nitride nanotube - can be produced on a preparative scale and may represent an important step towards the miniaturisation of electronic devices.

Killing bacteria by hacking plastics with silver nanoparticles and electricity

Researchers have developed an innovative way of hacking conducting plastics so as to prevent bacterial growth using silver nanoparticles and a small electrical current.

Polystyrene makes next-generation of solar panels even cheaper

Scientists are using polystyrene particles rather than expensive polymers to make the next generation of solar cells, which are used to make solar panels, more stable and even cheaper.

Atomically thin layers bring spintronics closer to applications

Researchers have created a graphene-based device, in which electron spins can be injected and detected with unprecedented efficiency. The result is a hundredfold increase of the spin signal, big enough to be used in real life applications, such as new spin transistors and spin-based logic.