Thursday, September 17, 2015

Designing switchable electric and magnetic order for low-energy computing

Scientists have developed a new material that combines both electrical and magnetic order at room temperature, using a design approach which may enable the development of low-energy computer memory technologies.

A fast cell sorter shrinks to cell phone size

Researchers describe an acoustic cell sorter capable of the kind of high sorting throughput necessary to compete with commercial fluorescence activated cell sorters.

Making mini-makers

A co-op partnership of Drexel U with Korea's National Research Foundation will give the students a chance to apply their talents in the nanofabrication center frequented by companies like Samsung and Hyundai, using the latest nanomaterials developed by Drexel's materials scientists.

Laser ablation boosts terahertz emission

Researchers report on the first terahertz (THz) emitter based on femtosecond-laser-ablated gallium arsenide (GaAs), demonstrating a 65% enhancement in THz emission at high optical power compared to the nonablated device. Counter-intuitively, the ablated device shows significantly lower photocurrent and carrier mobility.

Identification of atomic species at the surface of anatase titanium dioxide by SPM

The study contributes to formulating novel approaches for the development of photocatalysts and solar energy conversion materials.

Hierarchies in matter

The newest discovery in emergent matter science. Skyrmions, which generate new phenomena that defy conventional wisdom, are an emergent phenomenon of electron spins.