Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Twisting magnets

Members of a research collaboration have succeeded in experimentally verifying the properties of crystals of chiral magnetic materials, which may lead to the development of new types of magnetic memories with unprecedented storage capacities.

Spin waves out of waste heat

Principles of the conversion from heat currents to magnonic spin currents discovered / Study of complex magnetic materials.

Chemical nano-cages advance synthetic biology

In a new study, researchers present a clever means of localizing and confining enzymes and the substrate molecules they bind with, speeding up reactions essential for life processes.

Flow phenomena on solid surfaces: key role played by boundary layer velocity

Physicists have shown how liquids on solid surfaces can be made to slide over the surface a bit like a bobsleigh on ice. The key is to apply a coating at the boundary between the liquid and the surface that induces the liquid to slip.