Tuesday, August 16, 2016

A novel method to untangle metallic and semiconducting carbon nanotubes

Researchers managed to reverse the electronic characteristics of a polymer known to disperse semiconducting nanotubes - while leaving the rest of the polymer's structure intact. By so doing, they have reversed the process, leaving the semiconducting nanotubes behind while making it possible to disperse the metallic nanotubes.

Hexagonal boron nitride semiconductors enable cost-effective detection of neutron signals

Researchers demonstrate hexagonal boron nitride semiconductors as a cost-effective alternative for inspecting overseas cargo containers.

Solid batteries improve safety

Researchers have developed a type of battery that, unlike conventional ones, consists entirely of solid chemical compounds and is non-flammable.

Does ecology reach all the way down to the subatomic scale?

Advances in our understanding of the profound connections between atomic-scale processes and biological molecules serve to deepen, if not transform, the way we regard ecological processes - and, by implication, living things, no matter how invisible.

Novel nanotechnology processing capable of producing nanomaterials on an industrial scale

Researchers unveiled a major breakthrough in nanotechnology processing that reduces the time, and increases the amount of product that can be manufactured on an industrial scale.

Researchers discover that DNA naturally fluoresces

Discovery opens door for staining-free, super-resolution imaging.