Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Bio-inspired tire design: Where the rubber meets the road (w/video)

Researchers develop materials with surface architectures - inspired by surfaces on feet of grasshoppers or frogs - that could improve the safety and reliability of tires.

New electrical energy storage nanomaterial shows its power

A powerful new material could one day speed up the charging process of electric cars and help increase their driving range.

Interface engineering for stable perovskite solar cells

Researchers show that interface engineering with layered materials is important for boosting solar cell performance.

Nanorobotic agents designed to travel in the human body to treat cancer (w/video)

The outcome of 15 years of research, this system enables microscopic nanorobotic agents to be guided through the vascular systems of living bodies, delivering drugs to targeted areas.

Overcoming multidrug-resistant cancer with smart nanoparticles

Scientists engineer multicomponent nanoparticles to deliver drugs, block cell's defense systems.

Nanovaccine could enhance cancer immunotherapy, reduce side effects

The nanovaccine helps to efficiently deliver a unique DNA sequence to immune cells - a sequence derived from bacterial DNA and used to trigger an immune reaction.

Atomic gyroscope design

After successfully miniaturizing both clocks and magnetometers based on the properties of individual atoms, physicists have now turned to precision gyroscopes, which measure rotation.

Chemical sensing nanomaterial enables smartphones to detect toxic gases

Researchers have developed a chemical sensing material whose electrical conductivity dramatically increases when exposed to toxic gases.

New display sheets that can be cut into any shape with scissors

As you can cut this display into any shape you like, and attach it on the surfaces of things that has complex shapes such as clothing and buildings, the display is expected to meet diverse display needs, which cannot be achieved by conventional display technologies.

Engineers discover a high-speed nano-avalanche

New findings published about the process involving transformations in glass that occur under intense electrical and thermal conditions could lead the way to more energy-efficient glass manufacturing.

Smart windows: Admitting visible light, rejecting infrared heat

A nanocoating that blocks 90 per cent of the heat from sunlight could be used to develop smart windows.