Friday, September 30, 2016

Simulate 'sun and rain' detail how nanoparticles can escape from plastic coatings into the environment

Researchers describe how they subjected a commercial nanoparticle-infused coating to methods for accelerating the effects of weathering from ultraviolet radiation and simulated washings of rainwater. Their results indicate that humidity and exposure time are contributing factors for nanoparticle release, findings that may be useful in designing future studies to determine potential impacts.

Gentle sensors for diagnosing brain disorders

New sensor design paves the way for safer and more effective brain monitoring.

Motion-directed robots on a micro scale

Microswimmers capped with carbon on one side can be propelled and steered by light.

Proof that materials behave differently at the nanoscale

Scientists have long suspected that the way materials behave on the nanoscale is different from how they behave on any other scale. A new paper provides concrete proof that this is the case.

Fluorine offers solar power boost

Tweaking the chemical composition of polymer solar cells improves efficiency and voltage.