Thursday, March 16, 2017

How fullerite becomes harder than diamond

Carbon spheres in fullerite may be packed in different ways, and the hardness of the material strongly depends on how the fullerenes are connected to each other.

A golden discovery for wearable technology

Some day, your smartphone might completely conform to your wrist, and when it does, it might be covered in pure gold.

Using gold coating to control luminescence of nanowires

Physicists manipulate nanowire semiconductors in pursuit of making electronics smaller, faster and cheaper.

The repulsion trick: A self-solving puzzle for organic molecules

Researchers have succeeded in controlling the growth of organic molecules using a special trick. Molecules that repel each other play a key role in this process: due to their opposing forces, they always keep a certain distance from their neighbours.

Nanoparticle paves the way for new triple negative breast cancer drug

Researchers have developed a potential new drug to tackle the highly aggressive 'triple negative' breast cancer - and a nanoparticle to deliver it directly into the cancer cells.

Block copolymer micellization as a protection strategy for DNA origami

Scientists have developed a method to protect DNA origami structures from decomposition in biological media. This protection enables future applications in nanomedicine or cell biology.

Novel nozzle saves crystals

Double flow concept widens spectrum for protein crystallography.

What is happening inside nanocages for gold nanoparticles?

To disclose molecular processes behind AuNP growth in protein nanocages, a group of biomolecular engineers used high-resolution crystallography and analyzed the formation of Au nanoclusters in ferritin.

Green Diamond - The future of power electronics

GreenDiamond, with its 14 partners, is a European Horizon 2020 project to develop breakthrough 10 kV diamond transistor technology for sustainable high power electronics.