Monday, February 10, 2020

Atom or noise? New method helps cryo-EM researchers tell the difference

Cryogenic electron microscopy can in principle make out individual atoms in a molecule, but distinguishing the crisp from the blurry parts of an image can be a challenge. A new mathematical method may help.

The human brain's meticulous interface with the bloodstream now on a precision chip

This new human blood-brain barrier on a chip gets its surprising edge by giving astrocytes 3D living space.

Smallest all-digital circuit opens doors to 5 nm next-gen semiconductor

Scientists have designed the world's smallest all-digital phase-locked loop (PLL). PLLs are critical clocking circuits in virtually all digital applications, and reducing their size and improving their performance is a necessary step to enabling the development of next-generation technologies.

Physicists gain new insights into superconducting processes in nanostructures

Superconductors are regarded as promising components for quantum computers, but so far they only function at very low temperatures. Scientists now demonstrated a so-called energy quantization in nanowires of high-temperature superconductors.

Scientists found a way to treat cancer with iron oxide nanoparticles

Scientists non-invasively released antitumor drug from polymer containers modified with iron oxide nanoparticles inside primary cancer cells.

DNA-like material could bring even smaller transistors

A material shaped like a one-dimensional DNA helix might further push the limits on a transistor's size. The material comes from a rare earth element called tellurium.

A thermometer can be stretched and crumpled by water

Researchers have developed a flexible ionic conductor that is water-processable and thermal stable.

Researchers virtually 'unwind' lithium battery for the first time

An international team of researchers has revealed new insights into the workings of a lithium battery by virtually 'unrolling' its coil of electrode layers using an algorithm designed for papyrus scrolls.