Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Nanocomposite sets new bar for water-splitting, CO2-splitting techniques

Researchers have significantly boosted the efficiency of two techniques, for splitting water to create hydrogen gas and splitting carbon dioxide to create carbon monoxide.

Environmental chemist flashes warning light on new nanoparticle

Scientists report on toxicity for layered black phosphorous in three cell lines. They found disruption of cell membrane integrity related to particle size, concentration- and cell-type-dependent cytotoxicity.

Toward a smart graphene membrane to desalinate water

Researchers have developed a graphene-based coating for desalination membranes that is more robust and scalable than current nanofiltration membrane technologies.

Motorized molecules drill through cells

Nanomachines constructed to deliver drugs, destroy diseased cells.

Acting like a muscle, nano-sized device lifts 165 times its own weight

Materials scientists discover powerful effect that could benefit robotics, aviation, medicine and other fields.

Lithium-ion batteries will get more efficiency due to silicon, germanium, carbon nanowalls

Scientists have developed a new silicon- and germanium-based material that could significantly increase specific characteristics of lithium-ion batteries.

Silicon solves problems for next-generation battery technology

Researchers show that by replacing graphite anodes with silicon, it is possible to quadruple anode capacity.

Two for the price of one: Exceeding 100 percent efficiency in solar fuel production

Scientists capture excess light energy to produce fuel, essentially storing sunlight's energy for a rainy day.

New mini mass spectrometer has massive implications

Compact mass spectrometer more conducive to applications for space exploration, homeland security, and more.

Biosensor could help diagnose illnesses directly in serum

Researchers demonstrate how tailoring the sensing surface with short specific biological receptors and a polymer polyethylene glycol (PEG) can strongly enhance the sensor response.

The tricky trifecta of solar cells

The quest for solar cell materials that are inexpensive, stable, and efficient leads to a breakthrough in thin film organic-inorganic perovskites.

Nanophotonic chip system measures light from a single bacterial cell to enable portable chemical detection

Researchers have created a nanophotonic chip system using lasers and bacteria to observe fluorescence emitted from a single bacterial cell.

Nanoparticles loaded with mRNA give disease-fighting properties to cells

A new biomedical tool using nanoparticles that deliver transient gene changes to targeted cells could make therapies for a variety of diseases - including cancer, diabetes and HIV - faster and cheaper to develop, and more customizable.

Tracking the environmental exposure of the emerging nanomaterial industry

Nanomaterial tracking to limit impacts on the environment.