Friday, February 24, 2017

Diamonds that deliver

Neutrons, simulation analysis of tRNA-nanodiamond combo could transform drug delivery design principles.

Controlling the stiffness of a material at the nanoscale

Use of electric fields to reversibly change a material?s hardness by up to 30 percent promises new functionalities for microphones and sensors.

Improving DNA-detecting transistors with graphene

Graphene-based transistors could soon help diagnose genetic diseases. Researchers have developed an improved method for using graphene-based transistors to detect disease-causing genes.

New tougher-than-metal fiber-reinforced hydrogels

Scientists have succeeded in creating fiber-reinforced soft composites, or tough hydrogels combined with woven fiber fabric. These fabrics are highly flexible, tougher than metals, and have a wide range of potential applications.

Nano-sized hydrogen storage system increases efficiency

Scientists have developed an efficient hydrogen storage system that could be a boon for hydrogen powered vehicles.