Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Silver nanocubes make point-of-care diagnostics easier to read

Researchers use plasmonics to enhance fluorescent markers in lab-on-a-chip diagnostic devices.

2D Material based transistor sets a new standard for energy efficiency

Researchers have designed and demonstrated a new type of technology based on 2D semiconducting materials that's almost as energy-efficient as the human brain.

Nanofiber membranes transformed into 3D scaffolds

Researchers develop a new way to create 3D scaffolds for biomedical applications.

A new imaging approach to see multiple proteins simultaneously

Novel technology allows for the simultaneous imaging of multiple proteins in a single cell.

Researchers develop anti-COVID-19 nanocoating surface

Researchers are developing safe, new anti-viral nanoparticle coatings that demonstrate significant potential in preventing active surface infection with SARS-CoV-2.

Linking properties to defects in 2D materials

This is the first time that 2D material properties have been linked to specific defects in the materials' crystal structure. This approach enables systematic defect engineering in 2D materials.

New results contradict a long-held classical theory of crystal nucleation

Researchers capture crystal Nnucleation with atomic resolution in 4D (3D plus time).