Thursday, September 13, 2018

A new scientific field: Quantum metamaterials

Groundbreaking experiment applying metamaterials to quantum optics paves the way for new interdisciplinary area.

Seeing between the atoms

New detector enables electron microscope imaging at record-breaking resolution.

All-in-one light-driven water splitting with a novel nanocatalyst

A novel catalyst based on semiconductor nanoparticles has now been shown to facilitate all the reactions needed for artificial photosynthesis.

Laser sintering optimized for printed electronics

New study sheds (laser) light on the best means of laying down thin-film circuitry.

Scientists study light to create technologies of the future

Scientists predict new optical effects in light beams which in perspective will help create technologies of the future, and even reveal cancer in early stages.

An almost perfect material for research into quantum effects

Researchers have successfully developed nanowires allowing individual electrons to be captured by a quantum dot on which superconductivity can take place.