Wednesday, April 10, 2019

New quantum material could warn of neurological disease

By speaking the brain's language, the material is a portal between electronics and the brain.

Individual 2D phosphorene nanoribbons made for the first time

Tiny, individual, flexible ribbons of crystalline phosphorus have been made by researchers in a world first, and they could revolutionise electronics and fast-charging battery technology.

New electronic materials to carry more energy, more efficiently

New quantum materials will one day make smartphones 1,000 times faster while drastically increasing battery life. That is how researchers describe the impact new semimetal materials could have on future electronics.

'Deep learning' casts wide net for novel 2D materials

Engineers show faster techniques to model atom-flat materials for bottom-up design.

Some piezoelectric materials may be 'fakes'

Scientists have theoretically and experimentally demonstrated that the piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) technique can generate false positives when the piezoelectricity of a material is measured at the nanoscale.

Water that never freezes

Can water reach minus 263 degrees Celsius without turning into ice? Yes it can, if it is confined in nanometre-scale lipid channels.

At the 2D scale, isotopic composition has unforeseen effects on light emission

For the first time, researchers were able to grow an isotopically pure and highly uniform transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD) material only six atoms thick.

Scientists synthesize new nanowires to improve high-speed communication

Researchers have synthesized new nanowires with high carrier mobility and fast infrared light (IR) response, which could help in high-speed communication.

A long-distance relationship in femtoseconds

Physicists observe how electron-hole pairs drift apart at ultrafast speed, but still remain strongly bound.

Catching fast changes in excited molecules

Scientists observe and control molecular and atomic dynamics at the fastest timescales to date.

Atomic maps reveal how iron rusts

Scientists discovered how iron atoms continually re-arrange on surfaces, offering insights into metal corrosion and soil remediation.

Scientists discover hydration is key to improving catalyst performance for industrial use

Scientists have used neutron scattering to identify the secret to a metal-organic framework's (MOF) ability to efficiently convert chemicals, through a process called catalysis, into new substances.

MOFs can sense and sort troublesome gases

Fluorinated metal-organic frameworks make excellent materials for selective sensing and removal of toxic gases.