Friday, May 27, 2016

Researchers control protein release from nanoparticles without encapsulation

This discovery stands to improve reliability and fabrication process for treatments to conditions such as spinal cord damage and stroke.

Spin glass physics with trapped ions

Researchers demonstrate how state-of-art quantum simulations with trapped ions can be used to tackle complex computational problems.

Designer nanomaterials caught by laser octopus

New research explains how two-dimensional nanomaterials, called platelet micelles, can be identified using super resolution imaging .

Beating the limits of the light microscope, one photon at a time

The world's most advanced light microscopes allow us to see single molecules, proteins, viruses and other very small biological structures - but even the best microscopes have their limits.

A review on pulmonary effects of nanomaterials

The review is one part of the proceedings of a 2015 workshop organized by the PETA International Science Consortium, at which scientists discussed recommendations for designing an in vitro approach to assessing the toxicity of nanomaterials in the human lung.

Engineers discover a new gatekeeper for light

Finding paves the way for devices that switch quickly between transparency and opacity to specific forms of light.

Electrical properties of superconductor altered by 'stretching'

Scientists have made an important discovery regarding the superconductor strontium ruthenate (SRO), often described as a crystalline analog of superfluid helium-3.

Top-down design brings new DNA structures to life

Researchers describe a new method for designing geometric forms built from DNA. They present a novel variant on a technique known as DNA origami, in which the base-pairing properties of DNA are exploited for the construction of tiny structures in 2 and 3 dimensions.