Thursday, July 9, 2020

The spin state story: Observation of the quantum spin liquid state in novel material

New insight into the spin behavior in an exotic state of matter puts us closer to next-generation spintronic devices.

A new nanoconjugate blocks acute myeloid leukemia tumor cells without harming healthy ones

The nanoparticle targets only leukemic cells and therefore would reduce the severe adverse effects of current treatments. The receptor for this nanoparticle is expressed in 20 types of cancer and associated with a poor prognosis, so this drug could open a new therapeutic pathway for other tumors.

'Magnetic nano knife' inhibits tumor growth under rotating magnetic field

Researchers report their success of synthesizing urchin-like nickel nanoparticles by magneto-solvothermal method. Rotated by a magnetic field, the nanoparticles' mechanical force can destroy tumor cells and achieve the same effect as a scalpel.

Method makes plastic transparent and conductive

In an effort to improve large touchscreens, LED light panels and window-mounted infrared solar cells, researchers have made plastic conductive while also making it more transparent.

A novel active photonic wireless system to power medical implants

Researchers have developed a unique photonic device that reduces the need for re-implants, paving the way for a breakthrough in medical implant technology.

Novel 'dual-resonant method' in 2D materials can spur advances in the field of photonics

Scientists explain a new process that maximizes photon conversion in 2D materials, which could innovate photonic-based applications.