Monday, June 26, 2017

Symposium explores possibilities of origami nanomachines

Origami usually brings to mind folded paper cranes, but scientists see in origami the promise of nanoscale machinery.

Scientists create a cellular guillotine for studying single-cell wound repair

In an effort to understand how single cells heal, mechanical engineers have developed a microscopic guillotine that efficiently cuts cells in two. Learning more about single-cell wound repair could lead to self-healing materials and machines.

New class of 'soft' semiconductors could transform HD displays

Researchers find tunable halide perovskites could usher in new generation of optoelectronic devices.

Thwarting metastasis by breaking cancer's legs with gold nanorods

Migration halted in human carcinoma cultures in vitro via local, targeted gold nanorod photothermal therapy with NIR laser.

Ultra-compact phase modulators based on graphene plasmons

Researchers achieve light phase modulation with a footprint 30 times smaller than the light wavelength.

Novel platform uses nanoparticles to detect peanut allergies

Researchers have developed a novel platform to more accurately detect and identify the presence and severity of peanut allergies, without directly exposing patients to the allergen.

2D material's traits could send electronics research spinning in new directions

Researchers have fabricated an atomically thin material and measured its exotic and durable properties that make it a promising candidate for a budding branch of electronics known as spintronics.

Using 'sticky' nanoparticles, researchers develop strategy to boost body's cancer defenses

Scientists report on strides made in the development of a strategy to improve the immune system's detection of cancer proteins by using 'sticky' nanoparticles that are called 'antigen-capturing nanoparticles'.

Moisture-responsive graphene 'robots' crawl with no external power source

Created using only a camera flash and graphene oxide, smart materials move in response to changes in humidity.

Neuron-integrated nanotubes to repair nerve fibers

A new study sheds light on the properties of nanostructures capable of ensuring an effective integration with nerve cells, an essential quality for developing innovative systems targeting the repair of neuronal damages.

Researchers present a new method of 3D-plasmon tomography

In new work, researchers could show for the first time how the third dimension can be reconstructed completely in the framework of a tomographic imaging process by rotating the sample and processing a series of tilted two-dimensional projections.

How to train your drugs: from nanotherapeutics to nanobots (w/video)

Nanotechnology is creating new opportunities for fighting disease - from delivering drugs in smart packaging to nanobots powered by the world?s tiniest engines.

From 1D polymers to 2D polymers

Scientists report a facile, highly efficient, and versatile strategy for preparation of free-standing single-monomer-thick 2D polymers in water without any aid.

Novel nanocellulose hydrogel suitable for 3D printing

Researchers have developed a nanocellulose-alginate hydrogel suitable for 3D printing. The composition of the hydrogel was optimized based on material characterization methods and 3D printing experiments.