Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Flatland light

Researchers create rewritable optical components for 2D light waves.

On the way to 'smart' microrobots (w/video)

Researchers have developed a micromachine that can perform different actions. First nanomagnets in the components of the microrobots are magnetically programmed and then the various movements are controlled by magnetic fields.

New MOF can take on toxic sulfur dioxide gas

An international team has developed a robust material that can selectively take in toxic sulfur dioxide gas at record concentrations and preserve it for use in chemical production.

A game-changing test for Prion, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases is on the horizon

Novel synthetic molecules can be used to diagnose numerous devastating illnesses.

Novel nanostructures could make smartphones more efficient

Researchers are pushing the boundaries of the laws of physics, developing nanocomposite materials and nanoelectronic circuits to greatly improve energy, thermal and computing performance. This could make smartphones and other electronics more efficient and boost the potential of solar power.

World-leading microscopes take candid snapshots of atoms in their 'neighborhoods'

Scientists use powerful 4D-STEM electron microscopy technique to map out the best atomic 'hangouts' in high-performance materials.