Friday, November 29, 2019

Electro-optical device provides solution to faster computing memories and processors

First-of-a-kind electro-optical device provides solution to faster and more energy efficient computing memories and processors.

Armored with plastic 'hair' and silica, new perovskite nanocrystals show more durability

Researchers have demonstrated a novel approach aimed at addressing the material's durability problem: encasing the perovskite inside a double-layer protection system made from plastic and silica.

Researchers find potential solution to overheating mobile phones

Researchers have developed a revolutionary way to encode computational information without using electrical current. As a global first, this could lead to faster technological devices that could efficiently use energy without overheating.

The coldest reaction

With ultracold chemistry, researchers get a first look at exactly what happens during a chemical reaction.

Toward more efficient computing, with magnetic waves

Circuit design offers a path to spintronic devices that use little electricity and generate practically no heat.

Stretchable, highly conductive film promising for wearable electronics

Strong bonds between metal nanowires and polymer nanofibers enable a composite film to realize good electrical conductivity and high stretchability.