Tuesday, August 18, 2015

New research could help build computers from DNA

Scientists have found a way to 'switch' the structure of DNA using copper salts and EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) - an agent commonly found in shampoo and other household products.

Information storage and retrieval in a single levitating colloidal particle

For the first time ever, researchers have succeeded in creating arrangements of colloids and, importantly, they have managed to control their motion with high precision and speed.

Biophysics: Formation of swarms in nanosystems

One of the striking features of self-organization in biomolecular systems is the capacity of assemblies of filamentous particles for synchronous motion. Physicists now provide new insights into how such movements are coordinated.

Engineers identify how to keep surfaces dry underwater (w/video)

Researchers have identified the ideal 'roughness' needed in the texture of a surface to keep it dry for a long period of time when submerged in water. The valleys in the surface roughness typically need to be less than one micron in width, the researchers found.

Nanoinformatics - Setting the stage for nanotechnology research to move into Big Data

In two new studies, researchers have begun to design the framework on which to build the emerging field of nanoinformatics.