Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Uncovering oxygen's role in enhancing red LEDs

An international group of researchers shed light on oxygen's role in enhancing red LEDs and reported that the quantity and location of oxygen in gallium nitride (GaN) can be fine-tuned to improve the optical performance of europium-doped GaN devices.

Polymer puts new medical solutions within reach

Combining the properties of liquid crystals and hydrogels in just the right proportions creates the potential for new materials that have the same mechanical properties as soft tissues in the body.

Gut reaction: Smart pill smells out the body's fiber factor

Researchers have conducted the first ever trials of smart pills that can measure intestinal gases inside the body, with surprising results revealing some unexpected ways that fibre affects the gut.

Improving catalysis through nanoconcentrator systems

Scientists have developed a new approach in enhancing catalytic performance. They report functionalised, self-assembled nanospheres that enable highly efficient catalytic conversion by acting as 'nanocentrators'.

Two-in-one packaging may increase drug efficacy and reduce side effects

Researchers have developed a speedy, controllable way to get two or more ingredients into the same tiny capsule and only have them mix when triggered by a signal like vibrations or heat.

Self-adaptive material heals itself, stays tough (w/video)

Scientists invent an adaptive material that heals itself and bounces back from extraordinary compression. The material may be useful for tissue engineering or lightweight structural applications.

Single molecule detection of contaminants, explosives or diseases now possible

A technique that combines the ultrasensitivity of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) with a slippery surface will make it feasible to detect single molecules of a number of chemical and biological species from gaseous, liquid or solid samples. This combination of slippery surface and laser-based spectroscopy will open new applications in analytical chemistry, molecular diagnostics, environmental monitoring and national security.