Thursday, December 27, 2018

Electronics of the future: A new energy-efficient mechanism using the Rashba effect

Scientists proposed new quasi-1D materials for potential spintronic applications, an upcoming technology that exploits the spin of electrons. They performed simulations to demonstrate the spin properties of these materials and explained the mechanisms behind their behavior.

Silver nanowires promise more comfortable smart textiles

Scientists have developed a simple, scalable and low-cost capillary-driven self-assembly method to prepare flexible and stretchable conductive fibers that have applications in wearable electronics and smart fabrics.

Nano-magnets reduce energy consumption of MRAM and AI hardware

Researchers efficiently control magnetic pole direction in nano-magnets using heat, amplifying microwave signals.

Illuminating nanoparticle growth with X-rays

Ultrabright x-rays reveal key details of catalyst growth for more efficient hydrogen fuel cells.