Monday, May 11, 2015

Superhydrophobic glass coating offers clear benefits

A moth's eye and lotus leaf were the inspirations for an antireflective water-repelling, or superhydrophobic, glass coating that holds significant potential for solar panels, lenses, detectors, windows, weapons systems and many other products.

High-performance 3-D microbattery suitable for large-scale on-chip integration

By combining 3D holographic lithography and 2D photolithography, researchers have demonstrated a high-performance 3D microbattery suitable for large-scale on-chip integration with microelectronic devices.

Magic wavelengths

Tuning up Rydberg atoms for quantum information applications.

Researchers pioneer a new technique to embed transparent, flexible graphene electrodes into fibres

An international team of scientists have pioneered a new technique to embed transparent, flexible graphene electrodes into fibres commonly associated with the textile industry.

First theoretical proof: Measurement of a single nuclear spin in biological samples

Physicists were able to show for the first time that the nuclear spins of single molecules can be detected with the help of magnetic particles at room temperature.

Visualizing anisotropic carrier transport in organic semiconductor materials

Scientists have successfully visualized anisotropic carrier motion by using time-resolved microscopic optical second-harmonic generation (TRM-SHG) imaging.